
Xcode -- groups and targets

I have an Xcode project. The project currently has four targets, and I am about to add more. Within the project are about 150 png files. I have all of these in a tree of groups in the Xcode "groups and files" panel.

I want to include these png files in some of my targets, but not in others. The thing is, I will always want either all of them or none of them. I don't want to pick and choose.

Is there a way to manage this? Basically, I want some targets to use all of the files in the "png files" group, and others to use none of them. If there is a way to include an entire tree of groups in a target, and remove the same tree from another target, without having to do each file individually, that would be ideal.

EDIT: starting a bounty on this due to the lack of response. If it's not possible to do the above, I would be interested in other ways to accomplish more or less the same thing -- for example would it help to make all the png files a shared library? Or to make them a target in and of themselves, and have some of my other targets depend on that one? In either case, I would need to know how to set the thing up.

My bottom line is that I want to do the whole thing as simply as possible. For example, it should be easy to add a file to the 150 and tell my project that it should be included in all targets that use that group of files.


  • I am using the Xcode 3.2.3 right now. I am able to right click on a group, select get info then jump over to the 'Targets' tab and select my targets I want those files to go into. It works for me, is this what you are looking for?