Basically, the idea for my game roughly is this: Have a rocket launch from the ground, and slowly keep adding speed. As it rises higher and higher, I want the camera to follow the rocket, and then you can move the rocket to pick up special objects and avoid obstacles. So how do I create an ENDLESS map in Unity, so that my rocket won't fly off the map. Thank you!
// Singleton. Translates existing Obstacles and creates additional Obstacles.
// The world moves around the player.
// When this object is collided into, the level pieces are deactivated.
// Level ends when all level pieces are deactivated
public class LevelTranslator : MonoBehaviour
public static LevelTranslator instance = null;
public bool automaticallyStart = false;
public bool isEndless = false;
// Are all of the level pieces used?
public bool levelOver
if (allLevelObjects.Count == 0)
return true;
else return false;
// Where all of the transforms are attached to
public Transform levelParent = null;
// Prefab to add to the level
public List<Transform> endlessLevelObject_Prefabs = null;
// Where the level starts. ENDLESS!
public Vector3 levelObjectOrigin = new Vector3();
// The last created object. ENDLESS!
public Transform lastCreatedObject = null;
// Contains all of the transforms for the level
public List<Transform> allLevelObjects = new List<Transform>();
// Game Values
public float speed = 5;
public float objectSpacing = 5; // ENDLESS. How much object spacing there is between the current level piece and the going-to-spawn level piece
public Vector3 direction = Vector3.forward;
public bool stopMoving = false;
// Starts the level
public void BeginMovingLevel()
IEnumerator BeginMovingLevel_Coroutine()
while (!levelOver)
if (stopMoving)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(Time.deltaTime);
// Moves the Transform Parent. All Objects will be attached to the parent, so it's moving the objects...
levelParent.Translate(speed * direction * Time.deltaTime);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(Time.deltaTime);
if (isEndless)
if (Vector3.Distance(lastCreatedObject.position, levelObjectOrigin) >= objectSpacing + Time.deltaTime)
Transform t = Instantiate(endlessLevelObject_Prefabs[Random.Range(0, endlessLevelObject_Prefabs.Count)], levelObjectOrigin, Quaternion.identity) as Transform;
t.parent = levelParent;
lastCreatedObject = t;
if (Vector3.Distance(lastCreatedObject.position, levelObjectOrigin) >= objectSpacing + Time.deltaTime)
Transform t = allLevelObjects[0];
t.position = levelObjectOrigin;
t.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
t.parent = levelParent;
lastCreatedObject = t;
void Start()
if (instance != null && instance != this)
instance = this;
if (isEndless)
if (lastCreatedObject == null)
Debug.LogError("ERROR! It's endless mode, but you didn't assign the lastCreatedObject to a starting object! You fucked up! (Well, it's okay, I did...)");
levelObjectOrigin = lastCreatedObject.position;
if (allLevelObjects.Count > 0)
Debug.LogWarning("WARNING! There are no Objects in the allLevelObjects list! Place some there in order to avoid this error!");
lastCreatedObject = allLevelObjects[0];
levelObjectOrigin = lastCreatedObject.position;
// Apply all of the Transforms to the parent
if (automaticallyStart)
// Whenever an Obstacle collides with this... deactivate the colliding object.
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision c)
Transform obstacleT = c.transform;
if (allLevelObjects.Contains(obstacleT))
// "Destroys" the object
I used this awhile ago.
is a GameObject
. Make it an empty GO. The endlessLevelObject_Prefabs
... put in the level pieces you want to spawn.
. Set this to your FIRST level piece.