I have 3 Scale
widgets scale1
, scale2
and scale3
. I would like to use scale1
to control the values of scale2
and scale3
in the following manner:
and scale3
having the same value as scale1
is 1, value of scale2 is 2.5 and value of scale3
is 1.5scale1
to the right to increase its value to 1.05, the value of scale2
will be 2.55 and scale3
will be 1.55scale1
to the left to decrease its value to 0.95, then scale2
value will be 2.45 and scale3
value will be 1.45Here is my code:
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
class Init(object):
def __init__(self, master):
self.master = master
self.master.title('Scale demo')
self.scale_1_var = DoubleVar()
self.scale_2_var = DoubleVar()
self.scale_3_var = DoubleVar()
class Scale(Init):
def __init__(self, master):
Init.__init__(self, master=master)
self.frame_master = ttk.Frame(self.master, padding=(10,10,10,10))
self.label_1 = ttk.Label(self.frame_master, text='Scale 1:')
self.label_1.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w')
self.scale_1 = ttk.Scale(self.frame_master, orient=HORIZONTAL, length=400, from_=0, to=4, variable=self.scale_1_var)
self.scale_1.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky='we')
self.entry_1 = ttk.Entry(self.frame_master, textvariable=self.scale_1_var, width=3)
self.entry_1.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky='e')
self.label_2 = ttk.Label(self.frame_master, text='Scale 2:')
self.label_2.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='w')
self.scale_2 = ttk.Scale(self.frame_master, orient=HORIZONTAL, length=400, from_=0, to=4, variable=self.scale_2_var)
self.scale_2.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky='we')
self.entry_2 = ttk.Entry(self.frame_master, textvariable=self.scale_2_var, width=3)
self.entry_2.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky='e')
self.label_3 = ttk.Label(self.frame_master, text='Scale 3:')
self.label_3.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='w')
self.scale_3 = ttk.Scale(self.frame_master, orient=HORIZONTAL, length=400, from_=0, to=4, variable=self.scale_3_var)
self.scale_3.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky='we')
self.entry_3 = ttk.Entry(self.frame_master, textvariable=self.scale_3_var, width=3)
self.entry_3.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky='e')
def sc1(self, *argv):
self.a = self.scale_1.get()
here is what i've done:
def sc1(self, *argv):
self.a = float(argv[0])
# rather than re-request the value resulting in more function calls
# i'm using the value that is passed in during the callback
if not hasattr(self, "a_prev"): # this is a hacky method to
self.a_prev = 1 # remember the previous value
b_diff = self.scale_2.get() - self.a_prev
c_diff = self.scale_3.get() - self.a_prev
# calculate the differences to the previous value
self.scale_2.set(self.a+b_diff) # set the scales
self.a_prev = self.a # remember current value as the new previous