
Cannot find/advertise to custom audiences created with Facebook's Tag API

I've followed Facebook's Tag API guide to create "Custom Audiences" by using "Custom Events": https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ads-for-websites/tag-api#remarketing

The final code reads:


fbq('init', 1234567890); //Of course, I'm using my own Pixel ID ;)
fbq('track', 'PageView');

fbq('trackCustom', 'Facebook Test Audience');

The above code seems to work just fine and the custom event is being triggered (GET requests are sent and cookies "datr" + "fr" + "lu" set).

However, I cannot find "Facebook Test Audience" in the Ads Manager in order to advertise to it.

Does it take time to finally show up?

Any other ideas?


  • It turned out that it simply takes some time and page views for the event to show up in Facebook Ad Manager - patience is a virtue.

    And voilà, I'm able now to create a new "Custom Audience", which is based upon a "Custom Combination" of my website traffic, and select the "Event" that has been triggered by my code (named "Facebook Test Audience"):

    enter image description here

    Issue "solved"!