Is there anybody who can confirm it is possible to extract depth/RGB images from Kinect V2 + Kinect Adapter for Windows on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B?
As far as I know, Raspberry Pi 2 Model B has USB 3.0 which is a requirement for Kinect V2. I would like to know if anyone had success in RGB, IR and depth image transfer from Kinect V2 using libfreenect2 or any other similar way.
Furthermore, anyone knows any hardware similar to Raspberry Pi 2 (more expensive but still cheap) which supports Kinect V2?
According to the Raspberry Pi 2 datasheet, it only has USB 2.0 ports. So it won't work. :-(
The most basic hardware that works that I know of is the NVIDIA Jetson TK1. At $192 it's way more expensive then a Raspberry Pi, but cheaper than most other options. For more information on using libfreenect2 with the TK1, see this HOWTO