when I create a PSDrive it usually just gets the name of the location it points to. "Being dom-loc-Share (G:)"
New-PSDrive -Description "Group-Drive" –Name "G" –PSProvider FileSystem –Root "\\dom\dfs\dom-loc-Share" –Persist | Out-Null
I named mine "Bob" now by clicking the name and changing it. However every PSDrive I create now is called Bob
This is curious but not the real issue (though if someone cared to explain). My question is: How do I set the name i.e. bob in my script?
I tried
Get-PsDrive G
and checked the properties, but was not able to set the displayed name in the windows explorer.
How would I set this name instead of bob to "Group-Drive" upon creation of the PSDrive?
If I try Get-WmiObject -Class win32_volume I get the following result...
I found the answer, though if anyone knows a better approach to it, feel free to tell me.
$DNsplit = ((Get-ADUser ([Environment]::UserName)).DistinguishedName).split(",")
$STO = $DNsplit[$DNsplit.count -5].Substring(3,3)
$MyRoot = "\\dom\dfs\dom-$Sto-Share"
$RegPath = "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2"
if(Test-Path $MyRoot)
if(Get-PSDrive | ?{$_.Name -eq "G"})
Remove-PSDrive G
New-PSDrive –Name G –PSProvider FileSystem –Root $MyRoot –Persist -Scope Global | Out-Null
$a = Get-ChildItem "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2"
foreach($Key in $a)
$CompKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2\$($MyRoot.Replace('\','#'))"
if($Key.Name -eq $CompKey)
Set-ItemProperty -Path $key.PSPath -Name "_LabelFromReg" -Value "Group-Drive"