
How do I show the certificate thumbnail for a newly created certificate using certreq in powershell?

I am using the following command in PowerShell which works fine and good:

certreq -accept -machine "c:\my_csr_response.crt"

This command processes a CA response to a SSL CSR.

My question is how do I get the thumbnail of the newly created certificate generated by this command?


  • Create an X509Certificate2 object from the file and grab the thumbprint from there.

    $CertPath = "C:\my_csr_response.crt"
    $Cert = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::CreateFromCertFile($CertPath)
    $Thumbprint = $Cert.GetCertHashString()

    Find it in the cert store with:

    Get-ChildItem cert:\ -Recurse |Where-Object {$_.Thumbprint -eq $Thumbprint}