I know this question is already answered, but I couldn't solve it for myself. How can I configure email for emm?
Here is my config in general setting :
Host: smtp.gmail.com
Port: 25 (also I check it using 587)
Username: myusername@gmail.com
password: my email pass
Sender email address: myusername@gmail.com
Email template: You have been registered to the to EMM. Below is the link to enroll.
but no invitation email sent to users. first I try sending invitation email to already registered user. then I check adding new user and send invitation to him.
here is the log for port 25, here is the log for port 587, here is the log for new user with port 25 and here for port 587.
Also I turn off my firewall and try again but no invitation email sent to users.
More info:
server : windows 7 (wso2 v : 1.1.0) - localhost, database : mysql
I have done these configuration using tenant which I have created.
for solving the problem I change the emm\modules\user.js :
line 186: if(username.indexOf("@")<1) to if(username.toString().indexOf("@")<1)
and add yahoo certificate to the keystores (wso2carbon.jks, emm_truststore.jks and wso2emm.jks.)
to get yahoo certificate I run this :
openssl s_client -connect smtp.mail.yahoo.com:587 -starttls smtp
and save the Server certificate as yahoocertificate.cer
and to add it to keystores I run this:
keytool -import -alias smtp.mail.yahoo.com -file yahoocertificate.cer -keystore "D:\EMM\Carbone_Home\repository\resources\security\wso2carbon.jks"
keytool -import -alias smtp.mail.yahoo.com -file yahoocertificate.cer -keystore "D:\EMM\Carbone_Home\repository\resources\security\emm_truststore.jks"
keytool -import -alias smtp.mail.yahoo.com -file yahoocertificate.cer -keystore "D:\EMM\Carbone_Home\repository\resources\security\wso2emm.jks"
Also I check it with gmail smtp server port 587.