I'm trying to use the react.rb gem with opal however I'm having trouble with it.
The following is a simple hello world component, nothing complex.
class Hello_World
include React::Component
define_state(:message) { "Hello World!" }
def initialize(native)
@native = native
def component_will_mount
puts self.message
def render
div do
span do
Doing this:
puts React.render_to_static_markup(React.create_element(Hello_World))
gets me what I expected, this:
Hello World!
<div><span>Hello World!</span></div>
The problem is when I try to render the template to the dom.
React.render React.create_element(Hello_World), `document.body`
just gives me:
Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: _registerComponent(...): Target container is not a DOM element.
So I thought it was becuase document.body
doesn't exist yet, however none of the following to access the window work (or document):
window #is undefined
$window # is nil
Window # is undefined
There doesn't seem to be an opal command doc for JS equivalents and none of the examples I can find work.
I'm on the verge of pulling my hair out, what do I do?
Doing the following actualy works:
I'm not using jquery so I have to do the following to get document.ready
document.ready = function (event) {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", event)
React.render React.create_element(Hello_World), `document.getElementById('mount_point')`
but it's suuuuper hacky.
The problem is that body.getElementById('mount_point')
was returning nil, this was because the script was executing before the dom was ready.
Since I'm not using Jquery and for some reason I couldn't access the document object I was having trouble. In the end though I was able to create a method to deal with that for me.
So, defining this:
def ready
%x|document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
allows me to do:
ready do
React.render React.create_element(Hello_World), `document.getElementById('mount_point')`