I am trying to use AWS Powershell with Eucalyptus.
I can do this with AWS CLI with parameter --endpoint-url.
Is it possible to set endpoint url in AWS powershell? Can I create custom region with my own endpoint URL in AWS Powershell?
The newer versions of the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell (I'm running according to Get-AWSPowerShellVersion), has an optional -EndpointUrl parameter for the relevant commands.
Get-EC2Instance -EndpointUrl https://somehostnamehere
Additionally, the aforementioned bug has been fixed.
Good stuff!
Customize it. Example:
"version": 2,
"endpoints": {
"*/*": {
"endpoint": "your_endpoint_here"
After importing the AWSPowerShell module, tell the SDK to use your customized endpoint config. Example:
[Amazon.AWSConfigs]::EndpointDefinition = "path to your customized Amazon.endpoints.json here"
Note: there is a bug in the underlying SDK that causes endpoints that have a path component from being signed correctly. The bug affects this solution and the solution @HyperAnthony proposed.
Additional Info
Reading through the .NET SDK docs, I stumbled across a section that revealed that one can global set the region rules given a file: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSdkDocsNET/latest/V2/DeveloperGuide/net-dg-config-other.html#config-setting-awsendpointdefinition
Unfortunately, I couldn't find anywhere where the format of such a file is documented.
I then splunked through the AWSSDK.Core.dll code and found where the SDK loads the file (see LoadEndpointDefinitions() method at https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-net/blob/master/sdk/src/Core/RegionEndpoint.cs).
Reading through the code, if a file isn't explicitly specified on AWSConfigs.EndpointDefinition, it ultimately loads the file from an embedded resource (i.e. https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-net/blob/master/sdk/src/Core/endpoints.json)