My Xcode bot integrations fail with the following error.
Assertion: Running task was terminated because it produced no activity for too long.
From the bottom of the log:
Sampling completed, processing symbols...
Sample analysis of process 4470 written to file /Library/Developer/XcodeServer/Integrations/Integration-ef7a2c98cd2307fc71923f1123ea23f7/4470.sample
sample[5774]: sample cannot find any existing process you have access to which has a name like 'Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool'; try running with `sudo`.
sample[5775]: sample cannot find any existing process you have access to which has a name like 'ibtool'; try running with `sudo`.
sample[5776]: sample cannot find any existing process you have access to which has a name like 'ibtoold'; try running with `sudo`.
Interestingly, the integrations worked the day before and started failing today without any known changes to the server configuration. Is there a way to fix those errors and make the integrations run?
OS X 10.11 (15A244d), Xcode 7.0 (7A176x), OS X Server 4.1.56 (15S2186i)
This did the trick for us when we ran into the same issue today: