
Elasticsearch match with stemming

How do I do a search for a stemmed match?

I.e. at the moment I have many documents that contain the word "skateboard" in the item_title field, but only 3 documents that contain the word "skateboards". Because of this, when I do the following search:

POST /my_index/my_type/_search
    "size": 100,
    "query" : {
        "multi_match": {
           "query": "skateboards",
           "fields": [ "item_title^3" ]

I only get 3 results. However, I would like also documents with the word "skateboard" to be returned.

From what I understand from Elasticsearch I would expect that this is done by specifying a mapping on the item_title field that contains an analyser which indexes the stemmed version of each word, but I can't seem to find the documentation on how to do this, which suggests that it's done in a different way.



  • Here's one example:

    PUT /stem
      "settings": {
        "analysis": {
          "filter": {
            "filter_stemmer": {
              "type": "stemmer",
              "language": "english"
          "analyzer": {
            "tags_analyzer": {
              "type": "custom",
              "filter": [
              "tokenizer": "standard"
      "mappings": {
        "test": {
          "properties": {
            "item_title": {
              "analyzer": "tags_analyzer",
              "type": "text"

    Index some sample docs:

    POST /stem/test/1
      "item_title": "skateboards"
    POST /stem/test/2
      "item_title": "skateboard"
    POST /stem/test/3
      "item_title": "skate"

    Perform the query:

    GET /stem/test/_search
      "query": {
        "multi_match": {
          "query": "skateboards",
          "fields": [
      "fielddata_fields": [

    And see the results:

      "hits": [
            "_index": "stem",
            "_type": "test",
            "_id": "1",
            "_score": 1,
            "_source": {
               "item_title": "skateboards"
            "fields": {
               "item_title": [
            "_index": "stem",
            "_type": "test",
            "_id": "2",
            "_score": 1,
            "_source": {
               "item_title": "skateboard"
            "fields": {
               "item_title": [

    I have added, also, the fielddata_fields element so that you can see how the content of the field has been indexed. As you can see, in both cases, the indexed term is skateboard.