I've just updated to Xcode 7 general release and ive tried committing files. Its failing however, and im getting the following message;
Ive seen this question but the secondary response is different in the OP question: Xcode and Git Source Control : “The working copy XXXXX failed to commit files”
Whats the 'helper application' that it is looking for and whats the solution? Migrating to Xcode 7 and iOS9 is becoming a headache :( I commit my files by going to 'Source Control' -> 'Commit'
Turns out the “helper application” is in fact Git. For some reason Xcode 7 is eager to associate you (the committer) with a name and an email address.
To fix it, on the command line, type the following:
xcrun git config --global user.email you@yourdomain.com
xcrun git config --global user.name "Your Name Here"