
Password Meter Validation - RegEx

A password meter guides the user with developing a strong password. I would like to have the password requirements below implemented on the meter. I've added the highlighted code below with RegEx, however the code does not detect the required password guidelines. What is the correct code to detect the requirements below?

Test%401 = Insufficient
2323Ejsdh! = Insufficient
Tlv!897% = Strong
302^PLs# = Strong

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enter image description here

if(val.length > 7 && val.match(/\d{4}/) && val.match(/[a-zA-Z]{4}/) && val.match(/[~,!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,),+,-,?]/))


  • Here is a single-regex approach for your task:


    If you need to match specific "special" characters, use your [~!@#$%^&*()+?-] class instead of [^\w\s] (not a word or whitespace character). Breaking down:

    var rx = RegExp ("^" +                            // Start of string
                    "(?=.*[a-zA-Z])" +               // Letter is required
                    "(?=.*[^\\w\\s])" +              // A special character is required
                    "(?!.*(?:[a-zA-Z]{4}|\\d{4}))" + // No 4 letters or digits on end are allowed
                    ".{8,}" +                        // The whole length can be 8 or more characters
                    "$"                              // End of string

    Here is a working snippet:

    var ins = "Test%401";
    var ins1 = "2323Ejsdh!";
    var strong1 = "Tlv!897%";
    var strong2 = "302^PLs#";
    var rx = RegExp ("^" +                            // Start of string
                     "(?=.*[a-zA-Z])" +               // Letter is required
                     "(?=.*[^\\w\\s])" +              // A special character is required
                     "(?!.*(?:[a-zA-Z]{4}|\\d{4}))" + // No 4 letters or digits on end are allowed
                     ".{8,}" +                        // The whole length can be 8 or more characters
                     "$"                              // End of string
    document.getElementById("r").innerHTML += rx.test(ins) + "<br/>";
    document.getElementById("r").innerHTML += rx.test(ins1) + "<br/>";
    document.getElementById("r").innerHTML += rx.test(strong1) + "<br/>";
    document.getElementById("r").innerHTML += rx.test(strong2) + "<br/>";
    <div id="r"/>

    Another way is to split the conditions:

    function CheckPass(val) {
       if(val.length <= 7) {
           return "Password is too short!";
       else if (/\d{4}/.test(val)) {
              return "Password contains 4 digits on end!";
       else if (/[a-zA-Z]{4}/.test(val)) {
              return "Password contains 4 letters on end!";
       else if (!/[~!@#$%^&*()+?-]/.test(val)) {
              return "Password must contain at least one special character from the \"~!@#$%^&*()+?-\" set!";
       else if (!/[a-z]/i.test(val)) {
              return "Password must contain at least one letter!";
               return "Password is strong!";
    document.getElementById("r").innerHTML +=  "<b>Test%401</b>: "+CheckPass("Test%401") + "<br/>";
    document.getElementById("r").innerHTML +=  "<b>2323Ejsdh!</b>: "+CheckPass("2323Ejsdh!") + "<br/>";
    document.getElementById("r").innerHTML +=  "<b>23!34%12!</b>: "+CheckPass("23!34%12!") + "<br/>";
    document.getElementById("r").innerHTML +=  "<b>23w34W12D</b>: "+CheckPass("23w34W12D") + "<br/>";
    document.getElementById("r").innerHTML += "<b>Tlv</b>: "+ CheckPass("Tlv") + "<br/>";
    document.getElementById("r").innerHTML +=  "<b>Tlv!897%</b>: "+CheckPass("Tlv!897%") + "<br/>";
    document.getElementById("r").innerHTML +=  "<b>302^PLs#</b>: "+ CheckPass("302^PLs#");
    <div id="r"/>