mode con: cp>%tmp%\output.tmp
notepad %tmp%\output.tmp
Statut du p‚riph‚rique CON:
Page de codesÿ: 850
instead of:
Statut du périphérique CON:
Page de codes : 850
I also tried with chcp 65001
and 1252
Do you know a fix?
I use the truetype Lucida fonts, and even if I do type %tmp%\output.tmp
it shows the right characters in console, but not in any text editor.
I also tried:
cmd /U /C "chcp 65001>nul &mode con: cp>%tmp%\output.tmp"
cmd /A /C "chcp 65001>nul &mode con: cp>%tmp%\output.tmp"
without success
You may use the /U switch of cmd.exe
in order to output Unicode characters. For example:
cmd /U /C dir > dirInUnicode.txt
However, this switch works on internal commands only, so you must use an auxiliary file in order to convert the output of mode
mode con: cp>%tmp%\output1.tmp
cmd /U /C type %tmp%\output1.tmp > %tmp%\output2.tmp