This is about RedisClient, which is a C++ client.
I know that you can't store integers in Redis (that are internally converted).
RedisSyncClient::command itself does not support integers as RedisBuffer can't be initialized with int, so:
redis->command("SET", "mykey", 1);
won't compile (you need to add numbers as string).
However RedisValue can be initialized with int (not sure when it is used) and it contains a public "toInt()" method:
redis->command("SET", "mykey", "1");
result = redis->command("GET", "mykey");
cout << "INT: " << result.toInt() << " , STR: " << result.toString() << endl;
INT: 0 , STR : 1
At first I thought that internally strings were being converted to int, but it always return "0". Testing "RedisValue.isInt()" it seems it fails to recognize numbers as it returns "false".
Now things make sense to me... It seems that it may be used for redis responses like:
result = redis->command("EXISTS", "mykey");
cout << "? " << result.isInt() << endl;
? 1
In this case toInt() works as expected.
I just need to look into redis documentation and see which commands return int. It is not designed to be used with "normal" values.
(sorry to answer my own question, I would be happy to accept other answers if they cover things I missed out).