
Android game : Drag one image at a time into screen from a group of images

I have 5 images stacked in the bottom of my screen. My game's aim is to drag these images and connect them on certain conditions.(Sort of jigsaw puzzle) I used the following code

var touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchAllAtOnce ();
touchListener.OnTouchesEnded = OnTouchesEnded;
touchListener.OnTouchesMoved = HandleTouchesMoved;
AddEventListener (touchListener, this);
void HandleTouchesMoved (List touches, CCEvent touchEvent)
    foreach(var tap in touches)
       var locationOnScreen = tap.Location;
       alarmicSprite.PositionY = locationOnScreen.Y;
       alarmicSprite.PositionX = locationOnScreen.X;
       pressSwitchSprite.PositionY = locationOnScreen.Y;
       pressSwitchSprite.PositionX = locationOnScreen.X;

This code moves all images at once to the touched coordinates. My requirement is to get one image dragged at a time unlike all at once. Cocossharp API and tutorials given in Xamarin and Github in my mind is not that helpful. Is there a method which allows to drag one image on one touch instance? Help appreciated


  • Here is an example that creates two sprites and lets you drag them individually.

