
Issue selecting specific levels of windows application logs in NXLog

I'm trying to pass only Warning / Error / Critical level Application Logs through NXLog to my ELK stack. When I have this configuration

<Input EventLog_In> Module im_msvistalog # this kinda works for me, put * to get everything Query <QueryList>\ <Query Id="0">\ <Select Path="Application">*</Select>\ </Query>\ </QueryList> Exec to_json(); </Input>

everything works fine, and I'm collecting all levels of Application logs. I tried putting in a parameter on the <Select Path> line like this

<Select Path="Application">*[Application/Level=1]</Select>\

And it craps itself and I get nothing. NXLog isn't reporting any issue, and I'm not seeing anything on the logstash side of things.

I got the information about Event Viewer querying from this thread and adapted it to my use case:


  • Figured it out. Apparently the reference for error level isn't Application, it's System. My query now looks like this and works flawlessly

    <Select Path="Application">*[System[(Level=1 or Level=2 or Level=3)]]</Select>\

    I'm using Windows Server 2008 R2, fwiw.