
Axibase Time-Series Database data sampling maximum rate

I am using Axibase Time Series Database Community Edition, version 10379. I try to store my data that comes from a force sensor and save it every 2 milliseconds, how can I configure the portal to accept this time resolution?
I made an attempt to send the data in that rate by using an Arduino board with WiFi shield but the TCP connection disconnected after sending a little data.


  • Time resolution in Axibase Time-Series Database is 1 millisecond by default, so the problem is probably occurring for other reasons such as:

    ATSD portal

    I would recommend starting netcat in server mode and recording data from the Arduino board to file to see exactly what commands are sent into ATSD.

    1. Stop ATSD with ./atsd-tsd.sh stop

    2. Launch netcat in server mode and record received data to command.log file:

      netcat -lk 8081 > command.log

    3. Restart Arduino and send some data into ATSD (now netcat). Review command.log file

    4. Start ATSD with ./atsd-tsd.sh start

    Disclosure: I work for Axibase.