
How to set up App Icons for tvOS Apps in Xcode

Just got the new Apple TV and I am trying to setup App Icons for a new app. It is asking for Front, Middle and Back images for both "App Icon - Large" and for "App Icon Small". I have tried putting a 512x512 image in for Middle and get the following error:

The last image stack layer with content, "Middle", must exactly fill the image stack. Its current frame is {{384, 128}, {512, 512}} while the image stack's size is {1280, 768}.

Does a 1280x768 image need to be used? More importantly, what exactly is needed in terms of image assets for tvOS Apps?


  • You need at least 2 images for both the App Icon - Large & App Icon - Small (So total of 4 images - I used at first just the front & back, then I used all three layers for a total of 6 images)

    The large icon is 1280x768, and the small one is 400 x 240

    Apple's document:


    Doesn't seems to specify that you only need one image for the 1280x768. But I wasn't able to submit my App with just one image. I rendered my icons in the full 1280x768 size and then scaled to 400 x 240.

    In addition, you need to add the Top Shelf image which is 1920 x 720.

    (Top Shelf Wide seems to be 2320 x 720.)