I'm using iScroll for horizontal scroll for a list at the starting point it is behaving normal but when I scroll towards end (right to left) even my content ends but it will keep on scrolling to some extent. I don't know what I'm missing in it Fiddle for the same is http://jsfiddle.net/mantrig/wvypmw0g/1/
Below is my function initialization
function loaded () {
myScroll = new IScroll('#wrapper', { eventPassthrough: true, scrollX: true, scrollY: false, preventDefault: false });
#scroller {
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
width: 2400px;
you set the width 2400px;
this demo works cause it set the width of #scroller
5000px with 50*100px li.
it's not Inline style. so it is not writed by iScroll ( javascript );
but you have to set your #scroller