I hate to ask this question, but am very new to scripting and need help.
I would like to create a calculator using VBS that will accept my input and give me a range of IP address acceptable.
For example:
VBS asks for user input
User inputs the IP address/netmask :
Output: IP Address Range = -
I know that there are many online tools you can use, but I will need to use this on systems that cant access the internet.
Not sure if you still need this but for the sake of Informational Science and those who are searching for a solution I'm posting this anyways. I hope it at least helps someone looking for a solution. If not the OP... many other Stack Overflow users.
CIDRIP = "" 'must be in CIDR Format as no error checking added
wscript.echo "IP Address Range " & CIDR2IP(CIDRIP, false) & " - " & CIDR2IP(CIDRIP, True)
Function CIDR2IP(ip, high)
highs = "11111111111111111111111111111111"
lows = "00000000000000000000000000000000"
byte0 = Dec2bin(Split(ip, ".")(0))
byte1 = Dec2bin(Split(ip, ".")(1))
byte2 = Dec2bin(Split(ip, ".")(2))
byte3 = Dec2bin(Split(Split(ip, ".")(3), "/")(0))
Mask = Split(Split(ip, ".")(3), "/")(1)
bytes = byte0 & byte1 & byte2 & byte3
rangelow = Left(bytes, Mask) & Right(lows, 32 - Mask)
rangehigh = Left(bytes, Mask) & Right(highs, 32 - Mask)
iplow = bin2ip(Left(bytes, Mask) & Right(lows, 32 - Mask))
iphigh = bin2ip(Left(bytes, Mask) & Right(highs, 32 - Mask))
If high Then
CIDR2IP = iphigh
CIDR2IP = iplow
End If
End Function
Function that converts a 32-bit Binary string into an IP Address
'expecting input like 00000000000000000000000000000000
Function bin2ip(strbin)
ip0 = C2dec(Mid(strbin, 1, 8))
ip1 = C2dec(Mid(strbin, 9, 8))
ip2 = C2dec(Mid(strbin, 17, 8))
ip3 = C2dec(Mid(strbin, 25, 8))
'combines all of the bytes into a single string
bin2ip = ip0 & "." & ip1 & "." & ip2 & "." & ip3
End Function
Function that converts binary number to a decimal
'expecting input like 00010101
Function C2dec(strbin)
length = Len(strbin)
dec = 0
For x = 1 To length
binval = 2 ^ (length - x)
temp = Mid(strbin, x, 1)
If temp = "1" Then dec = dec + binval
C2dec = dec
End Function
Function that converts decimal number into Binary
'Expecting input 0 thru 255
Function Dec2bin(dec)
Const maxpower = 7
Const length = 8
bin = ""
x = cLng(dec)
For m = maxpower To 0 Step -1
If x And (2 ^ m) Then
bin = bin + "1"
bin = bin + "0"
End If
Dec2bin = bin
End Function
Added Bonus - for anyone that knows MYSQL and using IP addresses in MYSQL, they'll immediately recognize the functions.
'expecting input like and converts to 175647745
Function INET_NTOA(ip)
ip0 = Split(ip, ".")(0)
ip1 = Split(ip, ".")(1)
ip2 = Split(ip, ".")(2)
ip3 = Split(ip, ".")(3)
urlobfs = 0
urlobfs = ip0 * 256
urlobfs = urlobfs + ip1
urlobfs = urlobfs * 256
urlobfs = urlobfs + ip2
urlobfs = urlobfs * 256
urlobfs = urlobfs + ip3
INET_NTOA = urlobfs
End Function
'expecting input like 175647745 and converts to
'Bugs will occur for CLng ceiling numbers. +/- 2,147,483,647
Function INET_ATON(ip)
Dim ipa()
ReDim ipa(3)
n2ip = ip
For i = 3 To 1 Step -1
ipa(i) = n2ip Mod 256
n2ip = n2ip / 256
ipa(0) = CInt(n2ip)
INET_ATON = ipa(0) & "." & ipa(1) & "." & ipa(2) & "." & ipa(3)
End Function
Update Sept 2021 Popular request demanded returning a usable IP range from a CIDR Address and I had no idea... It's been sitting in my list of random IP functions forever.
Function CIDR2IPRANGE(cidr)
ip = cidr
highs = "11111111111111111111111111111111"
lows = "00000000000000000000000000000000"
byte0 = Dec2bin(Split(ip, ".")(0))
byte1 = Dec2bin(Split(ip, ".")(1))
byte2 = Dec2bin(Split(ip, ".")(2))
byte3 = Dec2bin(Split(Split(ip, ".")(3), "/")(0))
Mask = Split(Split(ip, ".")(3), "/")(1)
bytes = byte0 & byte1 & byte2 & byte3
lownetworkrange = Left(bytes, Mask)
lowhostrange = Right(lows, 31 - Mask) & "1"
rangelow = lownetworkrange + lowhostrange
highnetworkrange = Left(bytes, Mask)
highhostrange = Right(highs, 31 - Mask) & "0"
rangehigh = highnetworkrange + highhostrange
iplow = bin2ip(rangelow)
iphigh = bin2ip(rangehigh)
CIDR2IP = iplow & " - " & iphigh
End Function