I don't know if this is the right site for this question, but I need to know why Sailfish OS will not let me update. When I go into the updates in Settings and press Check for Update, it says there is no update found, but I'm on version, and 2.0 should be showing up. (I know, I'm on a really old version.) If anyone knows how to fix this, an answer would be helpful.
Better site for the question would be together.jolla.com.
To diagnose this kind of situations more information would be needed. If you have developer mode enabled, from terminal app or with ssh connection to the device you can
ssu status
(to make sure device model, release and domain are correct)devel-su journalctl -fa
output during the update checkAnd another thing to note is that OTA system updates are not provided for the community ports of Sailfish OS on unofficial devices at the moment.