I need some help with js - im too noobish in it to figure how to do what I need. Searched for solution but it seems that my issue is quite specific. Right now I got a form with several fields and a button, that add one more field.
But I need not just another field, but a field with custom "name" and "placeholder" parameters, that depend on the number of the existing fields. Like if there are three fields, I need the function to create field with placeholder="Field 4" and name="start4".
Thanks for any help in advance!
Here's my code
function add_fields() {
var d = document.getElementById("fields");
d.innerHTML += "<label>Field #</label><br /><input type='text' class='start1' name='start#' placeholder='Field #'/><br />";
<form action="" style="text-align: center;" method="get">
<div id="fields">
<label>Field 1</label><br />
<input type="text" class="start1" name="start1" placeholder="Field 1"/><br />
<label>Field 2</label><br />
<input type="text" class="start1" name="start2" placeholder="Field 2"/><br />
<label>Field 3</label><br />
<input type="text" class="start1" name="start3" placeholder="Field 3"/><br />
<a class="button" onClick="add_fields()">Add field</a>
<input type="hidden" name="step" value="2"/><br /><br />
<input class="button" type="submit" value="Submit" />
If you don't know ahead of time how many fileds you will have you can just count the existing ones instead of using a counter.
function add_fields() {
var count= document.querySelectorAll("#fields input").length + 1;
var d = document.getElementById("fields");
d.innerHTML += "<label>Field "+count+"</label><br /><input type='text' class='start"+count+"' name='start"+count+"' placeholder='Field "+count+"'/><br />";
return false;
[Don't forget to return false in the function or else your link will be submitted!]