I am using Capybara and Selenium for testing my website. I also use with Site Prism for Page Object model. I can make every thing work now, however, I don't understand why sometimes actions with page elements donot work, while using "natively" Capybara work.
For example, I have a Page object:
class MyPage < SitePrism::Page
element :sign_in_link, :css, 'a.signin-link'
element :join_link, :css, "a.join-link"
and its implementation:
@mypage = MyPage.new
# It works at first, then after some repeated test round, it doesn't work sometimes, with error: NoMethodError
While I use:
find(:css, 'a.signin-link').click #=> always work, but not Page Object model
So, why it happens? Have anyone experienced this problem?
By default site_prism disables Capybaras implicit waiting behavior while finding elements. This means to have the same behavior as your capybara example you would need to do
@mypage = MyPage.new
You can read more about this in the site_prism README under "Using Capybara Implicit Waits"
Another options is to use site prisms "Load Validations" feature to ensure pages are loaded before starting to click on their elements