
Extending mail object in a cfc

I use the mail() object in cfscript. I want to extend that object so I can overwrite the setTo() method. Here is the cfc code I have written.

component extends="com.adobe.coldfusion.mail"
  public void function setTo(String recipients) {
    machineName = createObject("java", "").localhost.getCanonicalHostName();

    if (FindNoCase("devcomputer", machinename) == 0) 

When this runs however, I get a message saying the setTo() method does not exist at the line calling super.setTo(). Digging further I looked at the super object and it inherits from java.lang.Class, not

What is the proper way to extend ColdFusion's mail object so I can override the setTo() method?


  • The getters/setters in com.adobe.coldfusion.mail are actually not functions, but accessors. Accessors are automatically generated by ColdFusion based on the properties in the component. Properties are inherited, accessors are not!

    The accessors in the mail component do nothing but set/get the value of the property. The equivalent of super.setTo(arguments.recipients); thus is = arguments.recipients;. The equivalent of this.getTo() is etc.

    Note: Using accessors="true" with the component that extends="com.adobe.coldfusion.mail" does not work with inherited properties either.