
Using cfimage to display a file that doesn't have an extension

curious one this.

I'm working on a process that generates PDF files, combining data from various sources. The last piece of this process I need to complete is merging in image files.

This is actually fairly straightforward but the problem I have is the image files aren't stored with file extensions. Locally, I can change the filename, but in production this isn't an option.

So because a filename looks like : B71637CB-A49C-0653-EF813918736BDEB7

This will not work:

<cfimage action="writeTobrowser" source="#FilePath#> 

Same with

<img src="#FilePath#">.

So, any ideas on how I can work around this? Here's the code in context:

<cfdocument format="PDF" name="report" filename="#fileToDownloadimage#" overwrite="yes">
        <cfimage action="writeTobrowser" source="#FilePath#.jpg">


  • If you need to embed the images into the PDF document, try HTML's inline image capabilities:

    <cfset fileLocation         = "/path/to/images/B71637CB-A49C-0653-EF813918736BDEB7">
    <cfset imageContent         = fileReadBinary(fileLocation)>
    <cfset imageContentAsBase64 = toBase64(imageContent)>
        <img src="data:image/jpeg;base64, #imageContentAsBase64#" />