
Why i can't add Approval record row into the CR ticket

This is a Apex Test Class code, what i have here is that this class will contain hardcode value to create submit the ticket for approval.

I was wondering if i can get any guidance here since i can't really get from other place. Thank you for any help provided.

PS. this is Salesforce platform - Remedyforce related.


public class Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment {

   create an object for approval, then
    simulate rejecting the approval with an added comment.

    The rejection should be processed normally without being interrupted.
private static testmethod void testRejectionWithComment()
    // Generate sample work item using utility method.
    Id testWorkItemId = generateAndSubmitObject();

    // Reject the submitted request, providing a comment.
    Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest testRej = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
    testRej.setComments('Rejecting request with a comment.');
    testRej.setAction  ('Reject');

        // Process the rejection
        Approval.ProcessResult testRejResult =  Approval.process(testRej);

    // Verify the rejection results
    System.assert(testRejResult.isSuccess(), 'Rejections that include comments should be permitted');
    System.assertEquals('Rejected', testRejResult.getInstanceStatus(), 
      'Rejections that include comments should be successful and instance status should be Rejected');

    For this test, create an object for approval, then reject the request, then
    without a comment explaining why. The rejection should be halted, and
    and an apex page message should be provided to the user.
private static testmethod void testRejectionWithoutComment()
    // Generate sample work item using utility method.
    Id testWorkItemId = generateAndSubmitObject();

    // Reject the submitted request, without providing a comment.
    Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest testRej = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
    testRej.setAction  ('Reject');      

        // Attempt to process the rejection
            Approval.ProcessResult testRejResult =  Approval.process(testRej);
            system.assert(false, 'A rejection with no comment should cause an exception');
        catch(DMLException e)
            system.assertEquals('Operation Cancelled: Please provide a rejection reason!', 
              'error message should be Operation Cancelled: Please provide a rejection reason!'); 

    When an approval is approved instead of rejected, a comment is not required, 
    mark the approval status as pending, then ensure that this functionality still holds together.
private static testmethod void testApprovalWithoutComment()
    // Generate sample work item using utility method.
    Id testWorkItemId = generateAndSubmitObject();

    // approve the submitted request, without providing a comment.
    Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest testApp = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
    testApp.setComments ('');
    testApp.setAction   ('Approve');

        // Process the approval
        Approval.ProcessResult testAppResult =  Approval.process(testApp);

    // Verify the approval results
                 'Approvals that do not include comments should still be permitted');
    System.assertEquals('Approved', testAppResult.getInstanceStatus(), 
       'All approvals should be successful and result in an instance status of Approved');

    Put many objects through the approval process, some rejected, some approved,
    some with comments, some without. Only rejctions without comments should be
    prevented from being saved.
private static testmethod void testBatchRejctions()
    List<BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c> testBatchIS = new List<BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c>{};
    for (Integer i = 0; i < 200; i++)
        testBatchIS.add(new BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c());           

    insert testBatchIS;

    List<Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest> testReqs = 
                     new List<Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest>{}; 
    for(BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c testinv : testBatchIS)
        Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest testReq = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();

    List<Approval.ProcessResult> reqResults = Approval.process(testReqs);

    for (Approval.ProcessResult reqResult : reqResults)
                      'Unable to submit new batch invoice statement record for approval');

    List<Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest> testAppRejs 
                                              = new List<Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest>{};

    for (Integer i = 0; i < 50 ; i++)
        Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest testRejWithComment = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
        testRejWithComment.setComments  ('Rejecting request with a comment.');
        testRejWithComment.setAction    ('Reject');


        Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest testRejWithoutComment = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
        testRejWithoutComment.setAction    ('Reject');


        Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest testAppWithComment = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
        testAppWithComment.setComments  ('Approving request with a comment.');
        testAppWithComment.setAction    ('Approve');


        Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest testAppWithoutComment = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest();
        testAppWithoutComment.setAction    ('Approve');


        // Process the approvals and rejections
            List<Approval.ProcessResult> testAppRejResults =  Approval.process(testAppRejs);
            system.assert(false, 'Any rejections without comments should cause an exception');
        catch(DMLException e)
            system.assertEquals(50, e.getNumDml());

            for(Integer i = 0; i < 50 ; i++)
                system.assertEquals((i*4) + 1, e.getDmlIndex(i));
                system.assertEquals('Operation Cancelled: Please provide a rejection reason!', 

    Utility method for creating single object, and submitting for approval.

    The method should return the Id of the work item generated as a result of the submission.

    ***Include required field and set status.
private static Id generateAndSubmitObject()
    // Create a sample object and then submit it for approval.
    BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c testIS = new BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c();
    testIS = [Select Id From BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c Where Name ='CR00002135'];

    insert testIS;

    Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest testReq = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
    Approval.ProcessResult reqResult = Approval.process(testReq);

    System.assert(reqResult.isSuccess(),'Unable to submit new invoice statement record for approval');

    return reqResult.getNewWorkitemIds()[0];


after test run the test class, i got these error message,


[View] 0:00 Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment testApprovalWithoutComment Fail System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject Class.Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment.generateAndSubmitObject: line 187, column 1 Class.Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment.testApprovalWithoutComment: line 71, column 1

[View] 0:18 Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment testBatchRejctions Fail System.DmlException: Process failed. First exception on row 0; first error: NO_APPLICABLE_PROCESS, No applicable approval process was found.: [] Class.Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment.testBatchRejctions: line 115, column 1

[View] 0:00 Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment testRejectionWithComment Fail System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject Class.Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment.generateAndSubmitObject: line 187, column 1 Class.Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment.testRejectionWithComment: line 13, column 1

[View] 0:00 Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment testRejectionWithoutComment Fail System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject Class.Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment.generateAndSubmitObject: line 187, column 1 Class.Test_CustomRequireRejectionComment.testRejectionWithoutComment: line 40, column 1


  • The problem appears to be in your generateAndSubmitObject() static method. There is a lot of weird behavior.

    I am going to break it down line-by-line.

    Line 1: testIS gets a newly instantiated BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c object.

    Line 2: testIS gets a list of BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c objects (but only the ID field) where the Name is equal to 'CR00002135'. There are two problems here. First, this action makes Line 1 completely useless. Two, this will return no results. You don't have any CRs named CR00002135 is your database at this point.

    Line 3: You are reinserting this empty list back into the database. This is another no-operation.

    The rest of this should work if you fix Lines 1 - 3. My recommendation, get rid of Line 2 and update Line 1 so that when you instantiate your BMCServiceDesk__Change_Request__c object it has all of the info you desire.