
isolateScope() gives undefined - Unit Testing directives with Karma

As stated in the title of the question, I am getting undefined when calling isolateScope(). I tried to Unit Test my Angular Directive based on the instructions given on Unit Testing AngularJS Directives With External Templates.

Here is my code:


  .directive("testDirective", function(){
      restrict: "E",
      require: "ngModel",
        ngModel: "=",
        label: "@?"
      templateUrl: "/mypath/templates/testDirective.html",
      link: function($scope, element, attributes, ngModelCtrl){
        $scope.functions = {},
        $scope.settings = {
          label: $scope.label ? $scope.label : ""

I have used karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor for templateUrl.

karma.conf.js (Code contains only the parts that are concerned with ng-html2js)

  //All Js files concerning directives are also included here...

preprocessors: {
  '/mypath/templates/*.html': [ng-html2js']

ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
  moduleName: 'template'

plugins: ['karma-*'],


describe("testDirective Test", function(){
var scope, $compile,$httpBackend, template;


beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, _$compile_, _$httpBackend_){
    scope = $rootScope.$new();
    $compile = _$compile_;
    $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;

it("should check if the value of label attribute id set to dummyLabel", function(){
    scope.label = 'dummyLabel';
    var element = angular.element('<test-directive label= "label" ></test-directive>');

    element = $compile(element)(scope);
    console.log('Isolate scope: '+ element.isolateScope());


Here the console.log(element); prints {0: <test-directive label="label" class="ng-scope"></test-directive>, length: 1}

Problem: console.log('Isolate scope: '+ element.isolateScope()); gives undefined.

I looked on this problem on many questions in StackOverflow but was not able to find the correct solution.

Also, I have to use the $httpBackend to get the html file or else it throws Unexpected Request error.

I would be really grateful for any help since I am stuck on this error since past one week!


  • For someone who might have the same problem:

    The directive testing do not work as expected when using the $httpBackend to mock the HTML files. It should be and it is possible to include HTML files by simply using the ng-html2js plugin. So I removed the $httpBackend calls and used stripPrefix to properly include my HTML files as modules. It worked!

    Hope it helps someone else!