
Coloring of a non-oriented planar graph in Prolog

I have a program for coloring graphs with 3 colors, neighbouring nodes need to have different colors.

My problem is, it is working only for directed graph, when I use non-directed graph it fails on stack overflow. I know there are some mistakes, could you help me to make it work for non-directed graph?

There is also problem with that findall/3 at the end. I need to change it to finding all nodes, not only nodes with edge(V,_) but I don't know exactly how to do that. I'm beginner and I need the solution to be simple. Thanks.


%for making the non-oriented graph I tried to use nonedge(X, Y) :- edge(X, Y).
%                                                 nonedge(X, Y) :- edge(Y, X).


coloring([V-C]) :-
   \+ edge(V,_).
coloring([V-C,V1-C1|Coloring]) :-
   edge(V, V1),
   V \== V1,
   C1 \== C.

colors(X) :-                      
   findall(V, edge(V,_), List),
   length(List, Len),
   length(X, Len).


  • The code does not work with loops as well. It only checks if the previous is not the same. But in your example 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 2 -> .. will never end.

    Also if your graph is disconnected it will never return the entire graph.

    For both reasons I would suggest a totally different approach, first find all unique vertices. Then assign them a color and check if no previously set colors conflict with the set colors.

    colors(Colored) :-
            list_to_set(Vertices, UniqueVertices), %% find all unique vertices
            coloring(UniqueVertices,[], Colored). %% color them

    The coloring predicate will look like:

    coloring([],Acc,Acc). %% base case for empty list
    coloring([H|T],Acc,AccRes) :-
        color(C), %% pick a valid color
        not((edge(H, V), member(V-C,Acc))), %% No linked vertex should have the same color
        coloring(T,[H-C|Acc],AccRes). %% Color the rest of the vertices

    This code uses an accumulator which hold the previously set vertex-color combinations.