
MAGMA: function "magma_dgels_gpu" --> error "magma_trans_t"

I am trying to solve a least squares problem via "magma_dgels_gpu()" function of MAGMA Library. My GPU is "Tesla C2050 / C2075" and i have installed MAGMA.

I am trying to compile the below code "", but i get error:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#include <cublas.h>

#include "magma.h"

#define UTILS_MALLOC(__ptr, __type, __size)                           \
  __ptr = (__type*)malloc((__size) * sizeof(__type));                 \
  if (__ptr == 0) {                                                   \
    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! Malloc failed for: %s\n", #__ptr );        \
    exit(-1);                                                         \

#define UTILS_DEVALLOC(__ptr, __type, __size)                                 \
  if( cudaSuccess != cudaMalloc( (void**)&__ptr, (__size)*sizeof(__type) ) ){ \
    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! cudaMalloc failed for: %s\n", #__ptr );            \
    exit(-1);                                                                 \

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if( CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS != cublasInit( ) ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "CUBLAS: Not initialized\n"); exit(-1);

    double *devA, *devB, *pWork, lWorkQuery[1];
    const int M = 5, N = 3;

    int ret, info;

    /* Allocate device memory for the matrix (column-major) */
    int lda  = M;
    int ldda = ((M + 31) / 32) * 32;
    UTILS_DEVALLOC(devA, double, ldda * N);
    UTILS_DEVALLOC(devB, double, M);

    /* Initialize the matrix */
    double A[N][M] = {{ 0.6,  5.0,  1.0, -1.0, -4.2 },
                      { 1.2,  4.0, -4.0, -2.0, -8.4 },
                      { 3.9,  2.5, -5.5, -6.5, -4.8 }};
    cublasSetMatrix(M, N, sizeof(double), A, lda, devA, ldda);

    double B[M] = {3.0, 4.0, -1.0, -5.0, -1.0};
    cublasSetMatrix(M, 1, sizeof(double), B, M, devB, M);

    /* Resolve the LLSP using MAGMA */
    ret = magma_dgels_gpu('N', M, N, 1 /* nb of colums in the matrix B */,
                           devA, ldda, devB, M,
                           lWorkQuery, -1, // query the optimal work space
    if (info < 0) {
        printf("Argument %d of magma_dgels_gpu had an illegal value.\n", -info);
    } else if (ret != MAGMA_SUCCESS) {
        printf("magma_dgels_gpu failed (code %d).\n", ret);

    int lwork = (int)lWorkQuery[0];
    printf("Optimal work space %d\n", lwork);
    UTILS_MALLOC(pWork, double, lwork);

    ret = magma_dgels_gpu('N', M, N, 1 /* nb of colums in the matrix B */,
                           devA, ldda, devB, M,
                           pWork, lwork,
    if (info < 0) {
        printf("Argument %d of magma_dgels_gpu had an illegal value.\n", -info);
    } else if (ret != MAGMA_SUCCESS) {
        printf("magma_dgels_gpu failed (code %d).\n", ret);
    } else {
        printf("LLSP solved successfully\n");

    cublasGetMatrix(M, 1, sizeof(double), devB, M, B, M);

    /* Expected solution vector: 0.953333 -0.843333 0.906667 */
    printf("Solution vector:\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        printf("\t%lf\n", B[i]);

    /* Memory clean up */
    free( pWork );
    cudaFree( devA );
    cudaFree( devB );

    /* Shutdown */

    return 0;

I make compile as follows:

nvcc -arch=sm_20 -o testMagmaDGELS -lcublas -I/opt/magma/1.7.0/openblas/gcc/include

And I get these errors:

team24@tesla:~$ nvcc -arch=sm_20 -o testMagmaDGELS -lcublas -I/opt/magma/1.7.0/openblas/gcc/include error: argument of type "char" is incompatible with parameter of type "magma_trans_t" error: argument of type "char" is incompatible with parameter of type "magma_trans_t"

2 errors detected in the compilation of "/tmp/tmpxft_00002d95_00000000-8_testMagmaDGELS.cpp1.ii".

Could anyone help me?


  • Use the magma type for indication of transpose/no transpose, instead of using a char type.

    so instead of this:

    ret = magma_dgels_gpu('N', ...

    do this:

    magma_trans_t my_trans = MagmaNoTrans;
    ret = magma_dgels_gpu(my_trans, ...

    See the documentation here.

    magma_trans_t magma_trans_const ( character ) Map 'N', 'T', 'C' to MagmaNoTrans, MagmaTrans, MagmaConjTrans