
Could Mac and Windows work on the same projects via GIT?

As title, there is any documented issue? Because I am finding problems creating my local project using Eclipse on a Mac and getting everything from GIT.

Probably there might be a problem in the local Eclipse storage of the user-password but I was wondering if the different OS could create any kin of problems. Thank you everyone.


  • I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly. If you have problems in eclipse with downloading the code from your git repository, as a temporary solution, you may

    1. sync the code from terminal using the command git clone <your_git_repo_url>
    2. import the code into eclipse (New -> import workspace) and continue coding
    3. once done, you may commit (git commit) and push the changes from terminal using the command git push
    4. In the other OS, run `git pull --rebase' to get the updated code. If you have changes in your local workspace, it will ask you to commit the changes and then run pull command.