
Adding page numbers to PDF with Lucee cfpdf

Everything I have found about CFPDF says that the way to add page numbers to a PDF is like this

<cfpdf action="addFooter" source="#finalFile#" name="mypdf" 
       text="Page _PAGENUMBER of _LASTPAGENUMBER" />

The problem is every reference I have found is for coldFusion 9 and before and I am wondering if maybe the Lucee guys didn't include this functionality because I get an error that says

Attribute text is not allowed for tag cfpdf

Is this a syntax issue or an oversight by Lucee/Railo not to put this in.

I am merging a group of PDFs using CFPDFs merge feature that this is working correctly but I now need to put page numbers on the PDF and that is were I am hitting a wall.

Here is the a more complete picture of what I am trying to do. The only part that isn't working is the addFooter line

    <cfpdf action = "merge" destination="#finalFile#" overwrite="yes"> 
        <cfloop array="#arrayOfPdfs#" index="k">
            <cfpdfparam source="#k#">

    <cfpdf action="addFooter" source="#finalFile#" name="mypdf" 
           text="Page _PAGENUMBER of _LASTPAGENUMBER" />

    <cfloop array="#arrayOfPdfs#" index="k">
        <cffile action="delete" file="#k#">


  • I did a little searching and here is what I found. Remember that Lucee was previously Railo. I found your exact issue reported as a bug in Railo back in August 2011 - cfpdf addfooter not supported It looks like that bug was never addressed.

    The Lucee docs mention the ability to add a header/footer using cfpdf in the lead-in paragraph but not in the tags attributes - Lucee documentation for cfpdf

    Create PDF portfolios - Add and remove header/footer from PDF documents - Optimize PDF documents

    (my emphasis) But there is no mention of addheader or addfooter beyond that.

    This just mirrors the original Railo documentation - Railo documentation for cfpdf

    I am guessing that this bug was never resolved and now exists (still exists) in Lucee. I would create a new issue for the Lucee group to revisit this -

    It is interesting that it seems to accept the addfooter action just not the text attribute. That makes it seem like a bug.

    UPDATE 11/18/2021

    From Andy's comment below "It looks like a fix is coming from the PULL requests at specifically" it appears that a fix may finally be coming for this issue. Thanks for the update Andy!