
How does Kinesis distribute shards among workers?

Is there any attempt to keep adjacent shards together when spreading them out over multiple workers? In the documentation example it started with 1 worker/instance and 4 shards. Then auto-scaling occurred and a 2nd worker/instance was started up. The KCL auto-magically moved 2 shards over to worker 2. Is there any attempt at keeping adjacent shards together with a worker when autoscaling? What about when splitting shards?



  • Random.

    If you mean "Kinesis Consumer Application" as "Worker", then the consumer application with the most shards loses 1 shard to another application who has less shards.

    "Lease" is the correct term here, it describes a consumer application & shard association. And there is not adjacency check for taking leases, it is pure random.

    See source code, chooseLeaseToSteal method: