I need to delegate a 'tap' event to a close button in a custom element, and in turn call a close()
method on the root element. Here is an example:
xtag.register('settings-pane', {
lifecycle: {
created: function () {
var tpl = document.getElementById('settings-pane'),
clone = document.importNode(tpl.content, true);
events: {
'tap:delegate(button.close)': function (e) {
rootElement.close(); // <- I don't know the best way to get rootElement
methods: {
close: function () {
<template id="settings-pane">
<button class="close">✖</button>
Hey there, this is the library author, let me clear this up:
For any listener you set in the DOM, X-Tag or vanilla JS, you can always use the standard property e.currentTarget
to access the node the listener was attached to. For X-Tag, whether you're using the delegate
pseudo or not, e.currentTarget
will always refer to your custom element:
xtag.register('x-foo', {
content: '<input /><span></span>',
events: {
focus: function(e){
// e.currentTarget === your x-foo element
'tap:delegate(span)': function(e){
// e.currentTarget still === your x-foo element
// 'this' reference set to matched span element
Remember, this is a standard API for accessing the element an event listener was attached to, more here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/currentTarget