I am currently working on a Gmail Contextual Gadget for a non-profit organization. We followed the official Google tutorials on https://developers.google.com/gmail/contextual_gadgets with the goal of building a Hello World app.
We did the following:
However, we are not able to make it work (it should print Hello World below the emails). We checked our servers hosting the XMs, and Google definitely hits our gadget_helloworld.xml file.
Hereby are the files content. Could someone please give a hand on this subject?
It is hard to find up to date documentation on this topic, as a lot of things changed with the Google API. I think it would be helpful for the community to give an open source working sample of code updated on last-2015.
Content of the Extractor - manifest_helloworld.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ApplicationManifest xmlns="http://schemas.google.com/ApplicationManifest/2009">
<script id="tinyhippos-injected" />
<Extension id="HelloWorldExtractor" type="contextExtractor">
<Name>Hello World Extractor</Name>
<Triggers ref="HelloWorld" />
<Scope ref="emailBody" />
<Scope ref="emailSubject" />
<Container name="mail" />
<Extension id="HelloWorld" type="gadget">
<Name>HelloWorld Gadget</Name>
<Container name="mail" />
<!-- Uncomment this to enable Caja. -->
<!-- Param name="caja" value="enabled"/> -->
<Scope id="emailBody">
<Reason>Necessary for reason 1</Reason>
<Scope id="emailSubject">
<Reason>Necessary for reason 2</Reason>
Content of the Gadget - gadget_helloworld.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<script id="tinyhippos-injected" />
<ModulePrefs title="Hello World" description="Matches and echoes 'Hello World' string in emails" height="20" author="ACME" author_email="test@example.com" author_location="Bermuda">
<!-- Declare feature dependencies. -->
This one is not specific to Gmail contextual gadgets.
<Require feature="dynamic-height" />
The next feature, Caja, is optional, and is supported for
use only within test domains. Uncomment the tag only for
non-production gadgets.
<!-- <Require feature="caja"/> -->
The next feature, google.contentmatch, is required for all
Gmail contextual gadgets.
<Param> - specify one or more comma-separated extractor IDs in
a param named "extractors". This line is overridden by the extractor ID
in the manifest, but is still expected to be present.
<Require feature="google.contentmatch">
<Param name="extractors">google.com:HelloWorld</Param>
Define the content type and display location. The settings
"html" and "card" are required for all Gmail contextual gadgets.
<Content type="html" view="card"><![CDATA[<p>Hello World</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Fetch the array of content matches. -->
matches = google.contentmatch.getContentMatches();
var matchList = document.createElement('UL');
var listItem;
var extractedText;
<!-- Iterate through the array and display output for each match. -->
for (var match in matches) {
for (var key in matches[match]) {
listItem = document.createElement('LI');
extractedText = document.createTextNode(key + ": " + matches[match][key]);
I had a similar issue of it not activating and the solution for me was to make the "Extractor param name" set to "hello" and and the "Extractor param value" set to ".*" -- According to the docs the important part is the value field:
If you really do want your gadget to be triggered by all possible values in the extractor's default output, explicitly set the regular expression as value=".*". This makes it clear that you have cast a wide net by design.