I am using dirPaginate directive for pagination in my Angular App. its working fine but the problem is I am showing 10 records per page but on every page the $index is repeating same (1-10) on each page. it should be 11-20,21-30 and so on for the next pages.help me how to fix it. this is my code
<tbody dir-paginate="wagedtl in listWagemasterdtls | orderBy:orderByField:reverseSort | filter : detailsfilter |itemsPerPage:10">
<tr><td class="hidden-xs">{{ wagedtl.wageTypeMstrID}}</td><td>{{wagedtl.wageTypeMstrNm}}</td></tr>
<dir-pagination-controls max-size="5" direction-links="true" boundary-links="true"></dir-pagination-controls>
I solved it in my way. I called a function on page change by on-page-change event of dir-pagination-controls and sent 'newPageNumber'
<dir-pagination-controls max-size="5" direction-links="true" boundary-links="true" on-page-change='indexCount(newPageNumber)'></dir-pagination-controls>
in controller I used this logic in function
$scope.indexCount = function(newPageNumber){
$scope.serial = newPageNumber * 10 - 9;
And binded the 'serial' with $index in html
<td>{{ $index + serial}}</td>
By default newPageNumber would be undefined. So I just kept the default value of 'serial' equals 1. in beginning of controller
$scope.serial = 1;
May be it's not the best way but my problem is solved now...:D