
Can I limit my Bluemix utilization and charges?

Imagine I wish to prototype a Bluemix application or simply wish to learn Bluemix. I understand that many of its services have free thresholds before any charges are accrued. Is there a way to set thresholds on my Bluemix account such that I am warned before exceeding free limits? Can I constrain my account such that it will disable services before charges are accrued or otherwise automate the mechanical constraint of my Bluemix utilization?

A potential example of such a need might be for the hobbyist who is self studying but does not want to incur charges or for the programmer who makes a logic error that results in excessive resource consumption or for the user who accidentally neglects to shutdown a resource consuming application after testing.


  • There are spending limits for paid accounts. According to the documentation, "you can set or edit notifications for total account, runtime, and service spending, as well as spending for individual services, excluding third-party services. You receive notifications when you reach 80%, 90%, and 100% of the spending thresholds you specify."