
Regex for value.contains() in Google Refine

I have a column of strings, and I want to use a regex to find commas or pipes in every cell, and then make an action. I tried this, but it doesn't work (no syntax error, just doesn't match neither commas nor pipes).

if(value.contains(/(,|\|)/), ...

The funny thing is that the same regex works with the same data in SublimeText. (Yes, I can work it there and then reimport, but I would like to understand what's the difference or what is my mistake).

I'm using Google Refine 2.5.


  • Since value.match should return captured texts, you need to define a regex with a capture group and check if the result is not null.

    Also, pay attention to the regex itself: the string should be matched in its entirety:

    Attempts to match the string s in its entirety against the regex pattern p and returns an array of capture groups.

    So, add .* before and after the pattern you are looking inside a larger string:

    if(value.match(/.*([,|]).*/) != null)