I want to have different middleware for different path. My current implementation is from this link
UserRouter := mux.NewRouter().StrictSlash(true)
AdminRouter := mux.NewRouter().StrictSlash(true)
Router.HandleFunc("/apps/{app_name}/xyz", Handler).Methods("GET")
I created three different routers, so that I can assosiate them with different path and middleware
nUserPath := negroni.New(middleware.NewAuthMiddleWare())
nAdminPath := negroni.New()
I created two different negroni instances and passed them the respective routers. As I wanted all this to run part of the same application on the same port so I created a Wrapper Router and negroni instance and associated them with the existing like below
BaseRouter := mux.NewRouter().StrictSlash(true)
BaseRouter.Handle(UserBasePath,nUserPath) // UserBasePath is `/apps`
BaseRouter.Handle(HealthCheck,nUserPath) // HealthCheck is `/health`
BaseRouter.Handle(AdminBasePath,nAdminPath) // AdminBasePath is `/Admin`
n := negroni.New(middleware.NewLogger()) // attached other common middleware here
Issues faced in this approach:
When I run /health
it runs properly but when I run /apps/{app_name}/something
I get a 404: Not Found
Note : I went through other approaches mentioned in below link but they don't satisfy my need.
So, the issue with the above implementation is that BaseRouter.Handle() method take a path and not a path_matcher/template so all the url's which has path_length more than one were not working.
I figured out two ways to achieve what I needed:
First approach
// Create a rootRouter
var rootRouter *mux.Router = mux.NewRouter()
// Create as many subRouter you want with some prefix
var appsBasePath string = "/apps"
var adminBasePath string = "/admin"
upRouter := rootRouter.PathPrefix(appsBasePath).Subrouter()
apRouter := rootRouter.PathPrefix(adminBasePath).Subrouter()
// Register all the paths and mention middleware specifically for all of them
// Here middleware is a method with signature as
// func middleware( http.Handler) http.HandlerFunc {}
upRouter.Path("/test").Methods("POST").Handler(middleware(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request){
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Welcome to the home page!")
n := negroni.New(middleware.NewLogger()) // attached other common middleware here
Second approach
This is extension/solution of the original issue in the question
// Replace BaseRouter.handle() as below
// as PathPrefix takes a template so it won't have issue that we were facing
Thing to remember here is that within negroni nUserPath
RequestContext of the middleware attached will be different from that of the actual router's HandlerMethod
By path length I mean something like this -- /abc or /abc/ has path_length=1 and /abc/xyz has path_length=2