
Moore’s Law Problem

Suppose you need to run a program on the world’s fastest supercomputer which will take 10 years to complete. You could:

What is the optimum strategy?

Question from "Long Term Storage Trends and You"


  • Assuming the program is infinitely parallelizable (so it can always take advantage of all cores of all CPUs available)...
    Assuming the program cannot be paused and moved to a different machine in mid-run...
    Assuming time is the only issue (maybe we have a big research grant and we always use the best computers available)...

    We have four equations (well, actually two of them are functions):

    1. endtime(startyear) = startyear + (calculations / speed(startyear))
    2. speed(year) = speed(year-1.5)4 (the problem assumes both hardware and software double in speed every 18 months)
    3. endtime(0) = 0 + (calculations/speed(0)) = 10 years
    4. speed(0) = calculations/(10 years) (implied by #3)

    I started to use derivatives to minimize endtime, but I realized I can't remember my differential equations very well. So I transformed #2 into the equivalent exponential-growth formula:

    speed(year) = speed(0)*4(year/1.5) = (calculations/10)*4(year/1.5)

    Then I wrote this little BeanShell script:

    calculations() {
        return 10000000; // random constant (gets cancelled out anyway)
    speed(year) {
        speed0 = calculations()/10; // constant factor
        return speed0*Math.pow(4.0, year/1.5);
    endtime(startyear) {
        return startyear + calculations()/speed(startyear);
    findmin() {
        start = 0.0;
        finish = 10.0;
        result = 0.0;
        // home in on the best solution (there should only be one minimum)
        for (inc = 1; inc > 0.00000001; inc /= 2.0) {
            result = findmin(start,finish,inc);
            start = result-2*inc;
            finish = result+inc;
        print("Minimum value is " + result + ", taking a total of " +
                endtime(result) + " years");
    findmin(start,finish,inc) {
        lastNum = 0;
        lastVal = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        for (i = start; i < finish; i += inc) {
            result = endtime(i);
            if (result > lastVal) {
                print("Minimum value between " + start + " and " + finish +
                        " is " + lastVal + ", occurring at " + lastNum);
                return i;
            lastNum = i;
            lastVal = result;
        return lastNum;


    bsh % source("moore.bsh");
    bsh % findmin();
    Minimum value between 0.0 and 10.0 is 3.5749013123685915, occurring at 2.0
    Minimum value between 1.0 and 4.0 is 3.4921256574801243, occurring at 2.5
    Minimum value between 2.0 and 3.5 is 3.4921256574801243, occurring at 2.5
    Minimum value between 2.25 and 3.0 is 3.4886233976754246, occurring at 2.375
    Minimum value between 2.25 and 2.625 is 3.488620519067143, occurring at 2.4375
    Minimum value between 2.375 and 2.5625 is 3.488170701257679, occurring at 2.40625
    Minimum value between 2.375 and 2.46875 is 3.488170701257679, occurring at 2.40625
    Minimum value between 2.390625 and 2.4375 is 3.488170701257679, occurring at 2.40625
    Minimum value between 2.406149387359619 and 2.4061494767665863 is 3.4881706965827037,
    occurring at 2.4061494171619415
    Minimum value is 2.4061494320631027, taking a total of 3.488170696582704 years

    So, with the assumptions I stated before, the answer is to wait 2.406149... years (or approximately 2 years, 148 days, according to Google).

    Edit: I noticed that with second formula rewritten as above, solving only requires simple calculus.

    endtime(x) = x + c/speed(x) (where c = calculations)
    speed(x) = speed(0) * 4^(x/1.5) = (c/10)*4^(2x/3)
    => endtime(x) = x + c/((c/10)*4^(2x/3))
                  = x + 10*(4^(-2x/3))
    d/dx endtime(x) = 1 + 10*ln(4)*(-2/3)*(4^(-2x/3))

    Critical point is when d/dx = 0, so

    1 + 10*ln(4)*(-2/3)*(4^(-2x/3)) = 0
    => 4^(-2x/3) = 1/(10*ln(4)*(2/3))

    Take log4 of both sides: (remember that log4(x) = ln(x)/ln(4), and that ln(1/x) = -ln(x))

    -2x/3 = ln(1/(10*ln(4)*(2/3))) / ln(4)
          = -ln(10*ln(4)*2/3) / ln(4)
    => x = (-3/2) * -ln(1/(10*ln(4)*2/3)) / ln(4)
         = 3*ln(10*ln(4)*(2/3)) / 2*ln(4)

    That looks like an awful mess (it doesn't help that there's no good way to show math formulas here). But if you plug it into your calculator, you should get 2.4061494159159814141268120293221 (at least if you use the Windows calculator, like I just did). So my previous answer was correct to seven decimal places (which are meaningless in a problem like this, of course).

    (I should note that this is just a critical point, not necessarily a minimum. But the second derivative (which is of the form -(some constant)*4-2x/3) is always negative. So the function is always concave up, therefore the only critical point is the minimum.)