
grails adding a domain object to another domain without the domains having a relationship

Good day. I'm new to grails and groovy and what I'm trying to do is add a domain object (in my case an album object) to a different domain (cart). When the user clicks on the 'add to cart' link when viewing albums, the 'buy' action of the HomeController is supposed to create a duplicate of the album and put it into the Cart domain, except I have no idea how to do it. Here's what I got.

class HomeController{
   def index(){ 
      //displays a list of albums and a 'add to cart' link at each album in the list

   def buy(){
      //Here's where the code should go.
      redirect(controller: "home", action: "index")   



  • I think you need to give more thought into your domainClasses before attempting the views/controllers:

    You have a domain object (in my case an album object) to a different domain (cart)

    Domain classes:

    class User {
        String name
        static hasMany = [orders:Orders]
    Class Album {
        String name
    class Order {
        User user
        Album album

    View: A controller action to show this:

    <!-- by defining and when grails receives the .id it binds that id to the actual object so --!>
    <!-- User user = params.user  // is the user object bound to --!>
    <g:form action="save" controller="myController">
        <g:hidden name="" value="1"/>
        <g:select name="" from="${mypackage.Album.list()}" optionKey="id" optionValue="name"/>
        <g:submitButton name="save">

    Controller to receive that save action - the saving functionality should really be taken over to a transactional service = This is just to show you very basically:

    package mypackage
    class MyController {
        def save() { 
            Order order= new Order(params)
            //User user=User.get( 
            User user=params.user
            render "album added to order class and then order added to users class"