Echo Nest API is supposed to be 100% compatible with Spotify ID's, but I am unable to create an Echo Nest Taste Profile based on Spotify Track ID's.
I've tried the following:
create the Taste Profile
curl -F "api_key={api_key}" -F "type=song" -F "name=spotify-tracks" ""
update the profile with json file containing tracks and their Spotify ID's
curl -X POST "" -F "api_key={api_key}" -F "id={taste_profile_id}" -F "data=@/spotify-tracks.json"
Here are the contents of spotify-tracks.json (just one track for testing):
"action": "update",
"item_id": "1",
"track_id": "spotify:track:3HWxpLKnTlz6jE3Vi5dTF2"
But, when I check the update status it can't ever resolve the track:
"response": {
"items_updated": 1,
"percent_complete": 100.0,
"status": {
"code": 0,
"message": "Success",
"version": "4.2"
"ticket_status": "complete",
"total_items": 1,
"update_info": [
"info": "couldn't resolve item",
"item_id": "1"
I've tried a number of different ways including using 'song_id' or 'item_id' rather than 'track_id' in the json input file, creating a 'general' Taste Profile rather than 'song' Taste Profile, using different Spotify tracks, and a couple other variations to no avail.
Without the ability to use Spotify Id's I would have to query each track individually to get the ENID, so I'm hoping I'm just missing something here.
OK, the answer is yes. The problem was with the format of my JSON input file. I should have used just the Spotify track ID for the value, not the full URI. Also, I needed to use "song_id" rather than "track_id" for the key to have it resolve to an EN Song instead of an EN Track. Like this:
"action": "update",
"item_id": "1",
"song_id": "SOEGJUJ12AF729D40A"
This isn't super clear in the Echo Nest documentation, but I probably should have tried this out originally.