I'm trying to get a large list of songs released in year X, together with their number of plays/streams.
I've been using Spotify API, and I have a number of highly popular songs. Now, for my purposes, I also need a list of non-popular songs (low play counts). I am wondering if there is any strategy to get a list of songs (maybe last played ones?), and extract their release year and number of total plays?
I've been going through the API documentation and I can only find 'popularity', which seems different from total number of plays. Secondly, I haven't found a way to get a list of last played songs yet. Should I be considering another type of strategy?
I know that you can get a list of recently played songs of all users in certain user groups in last.fm. Perhaps there is something similar in Spotify API?
Unfortunately, there is no way to get play counts through the Spotify API, only the Popularity metric.