I am working to create a program in M that reads an input of names in a certain format. Once the user places a null value it prints out all of the values. Where I am getting stuck is reading into a global variable. I look forward to any input I can receive.
n prompt,val,done
s prompt="Enter a name (LAST,FIRST MI): "
s val="" f in=1:1 s val=$O(^ZNAME(val)) q:val=""
f w !,prompt r val q:val="" d q:done
. i val'?1.A1",".1" "1.A.1(1" "1A) w !,"Invalid name" q
. s val=$GET(^ZNAME)
. s done=1
i val="" q
w !,"You entered: ",val
. s done=1
I don't completely understand what you want to do but this is what I built:
Here you go:
N prompt,val
S prompt="Enter a name (LAST,FIRST MI): "
F W !,prompt R val Q:val="" D
. I val'?1.A1",".1" "1.A.1(1" "1A) W !,"Invalid name"
. E S ^ZNAME(val)=""
F S val=$O(^ZNAME(val)) Q:val="" D
. W !,"You entered: ",val
Example (using GTM):
GTM>D readlist^ZZTEST
Enter a name (LAST,FIRST MI): first,last
Enter a name (LAST,FIRST MI): name,surname
Enter a name (LAST,FIRST MI):
You entered: first,last
You entered: name,surname