I am working on prerequisite questions for a class I am trying to attend. I am working on revisions to two pieces of code. I have completed one and I am stuck on this one. I am trying to read an abbreviated address line. In this case FL33606. I am able to read the address. But I am receiving an undefined error for the Quit command "Q: done". Would someone be able to assist me in identifying what is wrong?
N prompt,val, done
S prompt="Enter State and Zip (StateZip): "
F W !,prompt R val Q:val="" D Q:done
. I val'="?2A5N" W !,"Invalid entry" Q
. S done=1
I val="" q
W !,"Valid Entry: ",val
I have two errors
variable should be defined before the first read?
is the operator not =
S prompt="Enter State and Zip (StateZip): "
S done=0
F W !,prompt R val Q:val="" D Q:done
. I val'?2A5N W !,"Invalid entry" Q
. S done=1
I val="" q
W !,"Valid Entry: ",val
Why do you use short commands, and dots?
Is not this much better readable?
Set prompt = "Enter State and Zip (StateZip): "
For {
Write !,prompt
Read val
Write !,"Invalid entry"
If val="" Quit
Write !,"Valid Entry: ",val