
preselected values in jquery multiselect with angularjs using ng-options

Jquery multiselect runs perfectly with ng-option. See below for my HTML, Directive and controller.

 <select multiselect multiple ng-model=""  style="width:130px;" 
 ng-options=" for option in availableOptions track by option.value" >

.directive('multiselect', function ($timeout) {
return {
    restrict: 'A',
    scope: {
        model: '='
    transclude: true,
    require: 'ngModel',
    link: function (scope, element, attrs, controller, transclude) {
        $timeout(function() {
            transclude(function (clone) {

 .controller('CreateSubject', function ($scope, factory, $cookieStore,     
 $location, $rootScope){
 $scope.availableOptions = [
 {value: "M", name: 'Monday'},
 {value: "T", name: 'Tuesday'},
 {value: "W", name: 'Wednesday'},
 {value: "Th", name: 'Thursday'},
 {value: "F", name: 'Friday'},
 {value: "S", name: 'Saturday'}    

Now my problem is how to preselect values in this scenario? I already tried this solution JQuery multiselect - Set a value as selected in the multiselect dropdown but it give me an error.

angular.js:13236 TypeError: o[e] is not a function
at HTMLSelectElement.<anonymous> (bootstrap-multiselect.min.js:1)
at Function.x.extend.each (jquery.min.js:4)
at x.fn.x.each (jquery.min.js:4)
at t.fn.multiselect (bootstrap-multiselect.min.js:1)
at getschedule (controller.js:152)
at Scope.$scope.getsubjectschedule (controller.js:181)
at fn (eval at <anonymous> (angular.js:14086), <anonymous>:4:347)
at expensiveCheckFn (angular.js:15076)
at callback (angular.js:24546)
at Scope.$eval (angular.js:16820)


  • You can try by initilaze in your controller and use as in your select tag and no need to use track by.

    in your controller:

    .controller('CreateSubject', function ($scope){
     $scope.availableOptions = [
         {value: "M", name: 'Monday'},
         {value: "T", name: 'Tuesday'},
         {value: "W", name: 'Wednesday'},
         {value: "Th", name: 'Thursday'},
         {value: "F", name: 'Friday'},
         {value: "S", name: 'Saturday'}    
      $scope.sched = {};
      $ =[$scope.availableOptions[0].name,$scope.availableOptions[1].name]

    and HTML:

    <select multiselect multiple ng-model=""  style="width:130px;" 
             ng-options=" as for option in availableOptions" >

    NB. you should use option.value as if you want to set value as M, T as a selected value.

    and file loading order need to follow jquery, bootstrap(css, js), angular, bootstrap-multiselect (js, css), your script file

    it may help you.