I've been trying to figure out how to do recursion for 2 objects that have similar properties, but also have differences. I need to merge these 2 objects in a unique way, so there are no duplicate countries or models etc.
EDIT: in vanilla js only please
var us1 = {
country: {
"United States": {
"Ford": {
"engine": {
type1: "4 cyl",
type2: "6 cyl"
"Chevy": {
"engine": {
type1: "6 cyl"
var us2 = {
country: {
"United States": {
"Ford": {
"engine": {
type3: "12 cyl"
"Saturn": {
"engine": {
type1: "4 cyl"
var cars = [us1, us2];
var newCars = [];
function fn(cars) {
if (typeof cars == "object") {
for (var attr in cars) {
if (!newCars.hasOwnProperty(cars[attr])) {
} else {
Result wanted:
var us1 = {
country: {
"United States": {
"Ford": {
"engine": {
type1: "4 cyl",
type2: "6 cyl",
type2: "12 cyl"
"Chevy": {
"engine": {
type1: "6 cyl"
"Saturn": {
"engine": {
type1: "4 cyl"
If you don't want to use a library, it's trivial to write yourself. Something along the lines of
// (to: Object, ...sources: Object[]) => Object
function mergeDeep(to) {
const sources = Array.from(arguments).slice(1)
// (to: Object, from: Object) => void
const _merge = (to, from) => {
for (let a in from) {
if (a in to) {
_merge(to[a], from[a])
} else {
to[a] = from[a]
sources.forEach(from => {
_merge(to, from)
return to
See demo here https://tonicdev.com/bcherny/mergedeep
But really, you should be using a library for this. Writing it yourself is guaranteed to be buggier and slower than any widely used existing implementation.