
Olap database processing options and objects

Could you please help me with understanding olap processing options and which of olap databse object need to be processed in different cases?

  1. When we need to process full and entire olap databse?
  2. When we need to process and in which type just cube?
  3. When we need to process and in which type just a new element that had been added (new or restructered dimension, measure)?

And what about SSIS in this way? Is it a good way to use ssis package for process cube elements?

Thanks a lot.


  • 1 Process full is required when you have done structural change ie attribute added or deleted.

    2) Go throw link

    3 For any structural change you have to Process full (new or restructured dimension, measure are structural changes).

    SSIS is one of the good option for processing cube dynamically .