
jboss cluster session replication not working (multiple jsessionid cookies)

I'm trying to authenticate on my web application deployed on a jboss working in cluster mode with 2 nodes.

After a succesful authentication I get redirected to an admin page where a Filter checks if I am logged in.

On standalone mode it works just fine but when I deployed into production, which uses cluster mode, the filter rejects my request because it can't access the session parameters I have established on authentication.

Using the developer tools I see there are 3 JSESSIONID cookies set: one for /, one for /myapplication path and another one called JSESSIONID-34234 also for /myapplication path (I've cleared all them before starting the process).

Browsing the jboss docs I can't see no explanation for this although it seems the source of my problem.

How can I get to work authentication (I am using spring security http form based authentication) in my JBoss cluster?


  • Solved by enabling sticky session by adding the following to the virtualhost configuration file:

    Header add Set-Cookie "ROUTEID=.%{BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE}e; path=/myapplication" env=BALANCER_ROUTE_CHANGED
    <Proxy balancer://jboss6-hc-001-8109>
      BalancerMember ajp://jboss2.imatiasl.lan:8109 route=jboss2-hc-001-server-02
      BalancerMember ajp://jboss3.imatiasl.lan:8109 route=jboss3-hc-001-server-02
      ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests stickysession=ROUTEID